What HR Buyers Want: Unpacking the Voice of the Customer

If you’ve ever wished HR buyers came with a handbook, congratulations – you’re not alone. The HR tech market is booming, with literally thousands of vendors competing for attention.

But in all that noise, how do you figure out what your buyers really want? How do you learn what keeps them up at night and makes them ultimately choose one platform over another?

It’s not the jazziest demo, having the biggest booth at the trade show, or saturating the airwaves with ads.

The winners – the organizations that will truly stand out – are those that demonstrate they fully understand the challenges and opportunities of the HR pros they serve.

That’s where the 27th Annual HR Systems Survey Report comes in.

We went straight to the source, gathering input from over 3,300  unique organizations in 59 countries, representing over 25 million employees. What did they tell us? Everything you need to know to stop guessing and start connecting.

Let’s unpack what the voice of the customer is really saying and why it matters for your business.

Buyers Want Simplicity (and They’re Not Getting It)

Here’s the thing about HR systems: they’re supposed to make life easier. But the feedback we’re hearing? That’s not always the case.

HR buyers are juggling more tools than ever, many of which don’t integrate seamlessly, creating more headaches than solutions. What buyers really want is simplicity – systems that work well together, solve specific problems, and are easy to use across the organization.

If your product isn’t delivering on that promise, or if your messaging doesn’t make it clear how you solve those pain points, you’re already losing ground.

The report gives you direct insight into which vendors are winning on ease of use and integration – and which are leaving HR teams shaking their heads.

HR Buyers Are Comparing Notes (and you’re not being graded on a curve)

HR pros talk. A lot. And in a world where employee review sites and LinkedIn groups make it easier than ever to compare experiences, buyers know what’s working (and what’s not) before your sales team even gets in the door.

This year’s survey shows clear trends in user satisfaction, vendor responsiveness, and customer support… and it’s not great.

If your post-sale experience isn’t up to par, word travels fast.

The good news? Some of the greatest ways to distinguish yourself and break from the pack is by nailing the fundamentals:

  • Deliver clear and direct content that aims to educate, not sell.

  • Be thorough during the needs assessment and fact-finding phases of the sales engagement.

  • Make sure your demos address their needs, your referral calls are relevant, and your costs, timetables, and outcomes are crisp.

 The 27th Annual HR Systems Survey Report highlights how HR buyers rate their vendors across multiple categories. It’s like having a cheat sheet for what’s making clients happy and what’s driving them to your competitors.

Money Talks

Let’s face it: no matter how innovative your product is, it’s not making it to the shortlist if it doesn’t fit into the buyer’s budget.

Our report provides critical insights into where HR teams will spend their money – and, just as importantly, where they will not.

Payroll and HRMS systems are topping the shopping lists, but other categories – like analytics and talent management – are gaining traction. Knowing which areas are hot (and which are cooling off) can help you refine your strategy, targeting the buyers who are most likely to spend.

The report also shows which company sizes and industries are actively shopping, so check it out if you want to laser-focus your efforts.

Standing Out in a Crowd: Transparency. Honesty. Authenticity.

If there’s one thing HR buyers have had enough of, it’s fluff. Over-the-top promises and buzzword-filled pitches don’t hold up when buyers are looking for tools that genuinely solve their problems.

The survey feedback is clear: buyers value transparency. They want to know what your product can (and can’t) do, how long it’ll take to implement, and whether you’ll be there to support them when things go sideways.

Translation: Cut the spin. Lead with the truth. Buyers will thank you for it – and they’ll trust you more because of it.

Trends Matter. People Matter More

AI, automation, predictive analytics—they’re all buzzy and exciting, but HR buyers are ultimately “people-first” professionals. Their primary goal is to support their employers and the employee population and ultimately create better workplace outcomes… and they want tools that help them do that effectively.

The report dives into how buyers view emerging technologies, where they see real value, and what still feels like smoke and mirrors. Use these insights to position your product in a way that aligns with their priorities, not just the latest trends.

Your Next Steps

The voice of the customer is a powerful thing… if you know how to listen.

The 27th Annual HR Systems Survey Report gives you a direct line to the insights HR buyers already share about what works, what doesn’t, and what they’re looking for next.

Stop guessing, start connecting, and grab the full report  – or just the segments that matter most to your team  – today.

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