Surviving the Vendor Gauntlet: Standing Out in a Marketplace of Thousands

Given the scope, scale, and long-standing history of our Annual HR Systems Survey Report, vendors often approach us seeking advice on how to stand out in a very crowded (and growing) field.

And with thousands of vendors currently vying for HR buyers’ attention, we get it – it’s a jungle out there.

The market is flooded with platforms, tools, and apps all claiming to solve the same problems, which means it’s harder than ever to grab the spotlight.

So, how do you rise above the static? How do you stand out to buyers constantly bombarded with pitches, promises, and demo invites?

It all starts with tuning into what your buyers really want and knowing how to message, position, and deliver it better than anyone else.

Know Your Strengths (and Your Weaknesses)

Let’s rip the Band-Aid off: If you don’t know how you stack up against your competitors, neither will your buyers.

HR buyers aren’t just shopping for features; they’re looking for solutions to their most pressing challenges. If your competitors are eating your lunch in one area  – whether it’s usability, integration, or customer support  – you need to know about it.

Why? Because acknowledging where you fall short is the first step toward improving while leaning into your strengths helps you differentiate yourself.

A little self-awareness goes a very long way.

Be More Than a Vendor. Be a Partner.

HR buyers aren’t just buying a product; they’re buying a relationship. They need to trust that you’ll be there to support them if implementation gets rocky or when a new challenge pops up six months down the line.

Our survey data consistently shows that post-sale experiences – like customer service and technical support – are just as important as product functionality.

In fact, buyers talk more about the support they receive (or don’t) than they do about features during our surveys.

Standing out means showing buyers that you’re invested in their success. That could mean providing robust onboarding programs, offering dedicated account managers, or simply being proactive about solving problems before they escalate. Buyers want to know you’ve got their back long after the contract is signed.

Speak the Language of Your Customers

We get it: your product is your baby, and it’s easy to fall into the trap of talking about how great it is. But buyers don’t care about your shiny features unless they can see how those features directly solve their problems.

Effective marketing and sales teams know how to flip the script. Instead of talking about what your product does, focus on what it does for them. Highlight real use cases, measurable outcomes, and ROI. The more you can speak directly to their pain points and priorities, the better chance you have of making it onto their shortlist.

This is where having access to the right data can be a game-changer. The 27th Annual HR Systems Survey Report doesn’t just provide benchmarks; it gives you a roadmap for understanding what buyers care about most, from industry-specific trends to sector-specific challenges.

Time to Level-Up

Standing out in today’s HR tech market isn’t easy, but you’ll stand head-and-shoulders above the competition if you stick to the fundamentals.

It all starts with understanding your buyers—their challenges, their priorities, their expectations—and acting accordingly.

Although our report focuses exclusively on end users, we have several subscription packages aimed at providing vendors with year-round guidance, insight, and support.

Infusing the voice of the customer into every aspect of your organization—from product marketing and product strategy to content creation and sales methodologies—will help you break through the static.

Click here to book a call, and we’ll help you find the right plan for you. (Did we mention that each subscription also includes access to our research library? That’s a huge plus, too!)

Unsure of where to start?