27th Annual HR Systems Survey Report


Dive into the most comprehensive HR Technology study on the market… for less.

For over a quarter century, Sapient Insights Group has been the go-to resource for decision-makers, market analysts, and HR strategists looking to stay ahead in the ever- changing world of HR technology.

Now in its 27th year, our HR Systems Report offers the most comprehensive insights into the industry directly from thousands of real world end users around the globe.

Why Our Report Matters

Our report is more than just data; it represents the TRUE voice of the user. We gather genuine experiences and opinions from HR professionals who use these technologies every day. This gives you an honest, unbiased look at which vendors are leading the pack and which ones need improvement.

Additionally, our report is among the most exhaustive – covering current and future adoption plans, budget levels, and projected outcomes across 50 distinct HR-related application categories.

What You’ll Get​

27 Annual Report

This year’s report dives deeper into spending plans, change and implementation outcomes, and reveals the real story behind AI adoption in the workplace.

Who Can Benefit?


Make smart choices when buying or upgrading HR systems with our detailed analysis.


Get a detailed snapshot of the HR tech landscape from those who use it every day.

Sales & Marketing Professionals

Understand market trends and competitive pressures so you can better position your own products.


Learn how customers REALLY feel about your solutions and leverage that information to make informed product roadmap and customer support decisions.

“Whenever I start a new project with a client, I turn to the HR Systems Report for an accurate snapshot of the marketplace, the trends, and the providers that are shaping the landscape. It’s a foundational part of my strategy-building work.”
Marc A. Moschetto
DesignerFounder & CEO, KickMotor Consulting

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