25th Annual HR Systems Survey White Paper Segment Report: HR Service Delivery Systems


Although most of today’s modern HR Management Systems offer some light service delivery functionality as part of the HRMS solution – over 50% of organizations leverage non-HRMS solutions for one or more of these categories and more than 25% of HRMS buyers choose to not make any of these features available to their employees.

Many of these applications may seem administrative in nature and less strategic, that perception underestimates the value of these services. These applications dictate the experience of the employee and manager in the context of both work and HR. Organizations that view executives, managers, and employees as customers of HR, should also view service delivery applications as a key relationship management tool.

Each year, the release of Sapient Insights Group’s HR Systems Survey White Paper provides cornerstone and practical insights to the HR tech community. With an average of 2,500 participating organizations across the globe, our independent, vendor-agnostic survey captures critical and extensive Voice of the Customer research on topics such as:


  • Core HR
  • HR Service Delivery
  • Time Management
  • Payroll
  • Talent Management
  • Data & Analytics
  • Adaptive Change & Implementation


This report is a segment of that report, broken out by its specific topic area.