Connecting the Dots Between Your HR Systems Strategy and Strategic HR

  • November 15, 2022
  • 9:30am/12:30pm ET
  • Webinar

Event Description

Today’s HR technology market is estimated to be valued at almost 40 billion globally. Yet, over 50% of organizations felt they were still missing critical HR data needed to make business decisions over the last year.
Join Stacey Harris, Chief Research Officer for Sapient Insights Group and author of Introduction to HR Technologies: Understanding How to Use Technology to Improve Performance and Processes, as she shares groundbreaking research on how organizations can move the needle by 2025, reaching critical business outcomes through a strategic approach to HR processes and system strategies.
This session is critical for anyone looking to increase the value of their existing HR systems or preparing to embark on a purchasing effort in the near future for their HR organization.
In the session, we’ll discuss:

• The value of strategic HR functions and how they leverage technology
• How to select HR technology for outcomes versus functionality
• Investments that achieve the biggest outcomes

• Approaches for increasing HR technology adoption and usability

2022-11-152022-11-15Europe/London Connecting the Dots Between Your HR Systems Strategy and Strategic HR Event Description Today’s HR technology market is estimated to be valued at almost 40 billion globally. Yet, over 50% of organizations felt they were still missing critical HR data needed to make business decisions over the last year. Join Stacey Harris, Chief Research Officer for Sapient Insights Group and author of Introduction to HR Technologies: Webinar
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