Change Leadership Cohort Program

Empower Your Journey:
Transformative Change Leadership
in Action

Welcome to our Change Leadership Education Series: Navigating Change with Confidence!

Effective Change Leadership isn’t just about managing the status quo or executing fancy communication and training plans—it’s more about getting AHEAD of change.

As a leader, if you could show real ROI from Change Leadership efforts and proven strategies that position you to affect business outcomes, would you do it?

Change is inevitable, and our approach to change is burning employees out. Managing new business processes, technologies, and organizational changes and getting the necessary buy-in requires a structured approach and vision. In our Change Leadership Education Series, we will deliver real data, tools, and carefully designed sessions led by certified coaches for a complete deep dive into the “why” and “what” of change.

In 2022, the average employee experienced 10 planned organizational changes
compared to two in 2016.

Our program will not only give you the necessary resources to have the hard conversations about the importance of Change Leadership [before it happens] but will also position you to demonstrate successful business outcomes and ROI.
Here are some top reasons to engage in our 90-day immersive, cohort-based program:

Managing AND Leading Change

The pace of change in today's world is unprecedented. Our series provides insights into the nature of change – what it is and what it is not AND the critical role senior leaders play in change.

Building a Strong Case for Change

Change isn't one-size-fits-all. It varies in size, complexity, and impact depending on the organization and its context. Our series offers guidance on how to recognize and apply the right kind of change tools to develop a compelling vision and strategy for change.

Creating a Culture of Change

Organizational culture is pivotal in driving or hindering change initiatives. Our series explores how leaders can cultivate a culture and vision that embraces change, fosters innovation, and empowers stakeholders and employees to adapt and thrive in times of transformation.

Leading Change Teams and Processes

Effective change management begins with robust planning. Our series provides practical frameworks and tools for creating a clear change leadership structure with defined roles and responsibilities, including stakeholder analysis, communication strategies, resistance management plans, and more.

Are you committed to Leading Change within your organization?

If you’re a seasoned leader responsible for driving change within your team and organization, our Change Leadership Education series offers the type of hands-on experience from certified coaches to help you adapt, stand out as a transformative leader, and achieve results faster.

Join us and take an essential step towards mastering change in the face of constant change by enrolling now.